FCB Vosper of the long hair. A radical democrat ahead of his time.
Chris Holyday.
ISBN 978-0-85905-994-7, (2023, New), A4, illustrated, 145 pages, 420 grams, $40.00*
A detailed biography of a great politician. “Apart from the Premier, Sir John Forrest, no public figure was more widely known in the West Australian gold rush of the 1890s than FCB Vosper. Street-corner agitator, vitriolic newspaper editor and state politician, he achieved remarkable prominence while still in his twenties.” – Edwin Jaggard.
This is the first comprehensive biography of an outstanding democrat of democrats whose star shone brightly across the roaring nineties of the West Australian gold rushes. He was a firebrand newspaper editor, powerful public speaker, passionate miner, mineralogist, mine reporter, union agitator, MLA for Western Australia and a reformer. He has contributed significantly to the history of Western Australia and his biography makes compelling reading.