the-great-nor-westThe Great Nor’ West and its Resources.

L. van Praagh & Reginald Lloyd.

ISBN 978-0-85905-912-1, (1904, R, 2022), A3, 116 pp, heavily illustrated, indexed, 1kg, $70.00*

A magnificent reprint of the very rare 1904 book. This A3 book of 116 pages (=232pp A4) has hundreds of photos of the NW before 1904 together with good descriptive text. Period adverts also abound for the enterprises that helped develop the country. Mining, pastoral, agricultural, shipping, transport, pearling, aborigines are well covered.

This is a companion volume to our earlier publications, Nor’ West of West (1908), History of the North West (1915), Nor’ Westers of the Pilbara Breed (1981), Due North (2020), Experiences and Adventures of NW Cooke (2021), and many smaller books.

These are fundamental sources of information on the people and businesses that have developed the North West into the powerhouse of the national economy. They are the foundation for future projects such as our Biographical Dictionary of the North West 1860-1960.

The unusual size of this book creates problems for mailing. Resolution at reasonable costs is being examined.