giles_exp_1875_cvrGiles 1875 Expedition

by Lesley Brooker

ISBN 978-0-85905-612-0, (New 2015), A4, heavily illustrated in colour, indexed, 200 pages, 840 grams.

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Available only direct from the author at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Ernest Giles' 1875 expedition, covering 3000km from Beltana, S.A. to Perth, W.A., is described in detail, with both historical and contemporary maps, and colour illustrations of the places visited and plants collected by the expedition naturalist, Jesse Young.

Also included is a previously unpublished photograph of a Giles' artefact from the expedition collected in 1897 by Richard Thelwall Maurice; and a hitherto unpublished map of the 1875 route carried by Jesse Young to Melbourne in 1876, when Giles was still in Perth.