Leeman's-RescueLeeman’s Rescue from the Great South Land 1658

by Paul Cozynsen.

ISBN 978-0-85905-896-4, (New 2021), A4, illustrated, 87 pages, 420 grams, $40.00*

The Governor-general and his councillors in Batavia resolved to send the fluit Waeckende Boey and the galjoort Emeloordt, in search of survivors from Vergulde Draeck and the lost eleven crew of Goede Hoop. Captains Samuel Volkersen and Aucke Peieters Jonck, with crews of forty and twenty-five respectively left Batavia on News Years Day, 1658. Leeman had been appointed uppersteersman of Waeckende Boey. The company's orders to Volkersen made it quite clear that the officials were as concerned about obtaining as much information as possible on the South land as that survivors be found and brought back. He was to give special attention to navigation hazards along the coast. He was also to find out all he could about the mainland and its inhabited. Finally, he was ordered to take formal possession of all places, lands and islands.

He was reminded in no uncertain terms, that the company had invested heavily in the expedition and it wanted a careful record kept of all his actions and discoveries in order to obtain due and perfect knowledge of the situation and natural features of this region.

Available direct from the author. Paul Cozynsen 15 Kingsbridge Road, Warnbro, 6169 Cell# 0448653560.