lady_bushrangerThe Lady Bushranger

by Pat Studdy-Clift

ISBN 0 85905 223 0, (1996 new), Soft Cover, 150mm x 228mm, 240pp, illustrated, 340grams

$30.00  + POST

The story of the Lady Bushranger, Elizabeth Jessie Hickman, nee Martini, nee Hunt, has been hidden in the deep valleys of Wollemi but now the full account of her circus career, cattle duffing, escape from the police and final taming are told by Pat Studdy-Clift. This is a historic novel thoroughly researched and fully based on fact.

Pat Studdy-Clift is a NSW writer with a particular interest in bush life. The Lady Bushranger is her sixth book.

Author's comments

Sleuthing in the Mitchell Library and seeping in history at the State Archives, then located at the birthplace of our land, the Rocks in Sydney, my husband Jim and I found the Mudgee Guardian’sreporting of Jessie’s Rylstone and Mudgee criminal trials.

"Elsie Ritchie zealously perused 'The Police Gazettes' for the period covering Jessie's crime spree.  She sent any relevant material and I used some stories, including the car abandoned in Rylstone, I also found Caleb Williams most helpful at the Justice and Police Museum."