military_estab_coverThe Military Establishment in Western Australia

1828 - 1863

by E.S. & C.G.S. Whitely (Edited by Keith Bostock and with a Supplement by Pamela Statham)

ISBN 978-0-85905-403-4, (New, 2010), A4, 113pp, 335grams

$30.00* + POST

The Military Establishment includes a general survey of the early military establishment, details of the military posts, an extensive biographical index and statistical data on each regiment.

This book The Military Establishment & the H.M.S. Sulphur are the first publication of the privately circulated manuscripts written by the Whiteleys in the 1960s. The husband and wife team were executive members of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society but their work has been generally little known due to the limitations on publication at the time. Hesperian Press acquired the rights in the early 1980s. The third volume, The First Five Hundred, will be published in early 2011.