best_gen_coverMemories of the Best Generation or My First 85 Years

by Jack Matthews.

ISBN 978-0-85905-556-7, (New, 2013), A4, illustrated, 40pp, 140grams

$22.00* + POST

From early childhood in country South Aus, 1930s depression years to independence on a NSW cattle station at 13 years; back to South Aus and up the Birdsville Track  mustering cattle on  the Queensland stations. Droving  from the Kimberley, through the Territory and down to South East Queensland. Working with natives; some good some bad. The misadventures of Sandy MacIndoe  and his death (with my .38cal. revolver). The man with the wheelbarrow who survived the Kimberley but perished between two creeks in the Territory. Dad wounded twice in France; two brothers in World War II, my turn in Korea with 1 & 2 RAR and the battle of the Hook.

Sandplain farming in WA, contract fencing on the Nullarbor, trucking up north and my 30 years with Elisabeth.

In later years citizen of the year Victoria Park 1998 and life member of the RSL. Walking the Bibbulmun Track and the Kokoda Trail and taking part in 2001 in the 10th Light Horse re-enactment ride to Albany.