teams_coverTeams and Teamsters

Edited by Peter J Bridge, Gail Dreezens & Angela Teague

[ISBN 978-0-85905-433-1, (New 2010), A4, illustrated, 147pp, soft cover, 430grams

$35.00* + POST

This collection of articles from the files of Hesperian Press compares the usefulness of bullocks, donkeys, mules, horses, and camels. It then details the working of these teams. The subject of ‘near side’ and ‘off side’ is covered, as are tandem teams, loads, wagons and wagon names, accidents, wheels and tires, the roads, getting bogged and getting out, and finally the teamsters themselves.

Just two generations away this information was vital to those who made the wheels go round. As to how recent, it must be remembered that most WW II German land transport was with horse teams. Such teams survived in Australia till well into the 1950s.

This will prove a fascinating volume for all interested in early transport and the use of animals in the service of man.

Companion collections have been published on Cobb & Co in WA, drovers, Afghan incidents, and many other subjects. Others are in preparation.