Troy Weight
The 1889 report of Sub Inspector Troy on David Forrest's
allegations of mis-treatment of natives in the north
by Peter J Bridge, Peter Conole, Gail Dreezens
ISBN 978-0-85905-632-8, (New, 2016), A4, 93pp, 280 grams
$30.00* + POST
David Forrest of Minderoo complained of mistreatment of natives by pearlers. Governor Broome and his administration acted promptly and reports from local NW police were requested and a special police expedition set out covering an immense area.
This book contains the details of the patrols of PC William Pollett and the reports and journals of Sub Inspector Patrick Troy. Extensive statements from Gascoyne, Ashburton and Murchison station managers are included. A biography of Patrick Troy has been specially written for this book.
The result of the investigation was that eight men were prosecuted for assaults on natives. The imputations of Forrest were shown to be unwarranted. However his own restrictive indentures of natives aroused the intense ire of the Governor and he was ordered to immediately release natives from their indentures to return to their homes.
There is an old moral about stones and glasshouses that someone forgot. And that some never learn.