Whaleback Tales
by Peter Eckhart
ISBN 0 85905 230 3, (1996 New), Soft Cover, 119pp, illustrated, 160grams
$22.00 + POST
Dr Peter Eckhart was appointed to the staff of Mt Newman Mining Company in 1968 while the mine was still under construction. He took the job for two years and remained for nineteen years.
During his time there he saw many changes. The town changed from a virtual construction site with a few demountable houses to a substantial town with three suburbs, two primary schools, a senior high school, and the largest kindergarten in the State. The population increased from a modest 700 mainly construction workers to a settled 7500 persons in modern housing.
The hospital facilities started as a three bedroom house and became a well-constructed 29 bed fully equipped hospital with a well qualified staff.
In 1987 he left to semi-retire as a part time locum practicing in country areas.