where_theres_smokeWhere There's Smoke There's Fry

The true story of an amazing man - Alf Fry

by Chris Hales

ISBN 0 85905 259 1, (1999 new), Soft Cover, 196pp, illustrated, 270grams

$22.00 + POST

From the battlefields of Gallipoli to the Karri Country of the South West of Western Australia, Alfred Narroway Fry lived a remarkable life. So remarkable the reader will conclude that he had more lives than a cat.

Where There's Smoke There's Fry, captures the many facets of this quixotic and much loved character. This accountant, musician, league footballer, soldier, pilot and farmer played an integral role in the lives of the group settlers in the lower South West.

Leading a charmed life, this man happily put each of his ninety nine lives on the line, in his great belief, "You will go only when your number is up."

The stories of Alf Fry appear as tall as a karri tree but each one of them is true, providing an authentic record of pioneering days. This creates fascinating and lively reading.


Chris Hales lives with her husband on a sheep, cattle, cropping property in the South West of Western Australia. She has always loved writing and has done some journalism and various articles. She has travelled extensively in China looking at farming projects and has also taught pottery to people with intellectual disabilities, spending 15 months in Hong Kong to do so. Chris was one of the first appointees to The Guardianship board and has helped set up services for people with disabilities and currently acts as facilitator, counsellor in a local service for families in crisis. She has a rambling garden planted with many deciduous trees and likes to switch off out there and dream up ideas for future books.