Australia Betrayed.
Graeme Campbell & Mark Uhlmann.
ISBN 978-0-85905-913-8, 145 x 215, 220 pages, indexed, 300+ grams, $36.00*
When first published in 1995 the message cut a swathe through Canberra and other centres of degeneracy. It was a call to arms for real Australians.
Now a generation or so has passed and the situation for Australians has become dire. The media, industry, and politicians; the antipodean witches, have toiled and troubled and the old frogs have become cooked slowly in their own juices.
The political and economic situation is such that Australia as we knew it cannot survive, the limbs are already mortified, and the brain has dementia. And the worst is yet to come.
This new edition is unchanged but has a new Foreword and Index by Dr Marion Hercock.
This small edition is essential reading for those who have forgotten and those who know no better.
Postage Australia wide is $9.70. Trade details on application.