All in My Stride
by Richard Harris
ISBN 0 85905 260 5, (1999 new), Soft Cover, 140mm x 215mm, 216 pp, illustrated, 230grams
$22.00 + POST
All In My Stridestells of John Gilmour's early days living in a group settlement in the South West of Western Australia, the struggle for survival during the Great Depression, enlistment in the Army as a fit young man, and his coming to terms with major damage to his eyesight through malnutrition in Changi goal. Worse was to come - nightmare years as a slave labourer in Japan. He was a 2/4th machine gunner.
On his subsequent return to Japan as a world champion veteran athlete he received the respect of his rivals and honours from authorities.
Richard Harris wrote John Gilmour's story as a message of hope to people of all ages everywhere - to have a vision, to keep going, and to take setbacks in one's stride.
It is more than a book about running. It is about the strength of the human spirit when adversity is shared, the support provided by friends, how a little bit of hope will take you a long way and , of how small acts of kindness from strangers can be of value beyond measure. The author was born near Gateshead, England, and now lives in Western Australia. He was a journalist with various newspapers and coordinated public relations for a major government department for many years before retiring in 1998.
John Gilmour's story is an inspiration to all.