A Gold Seeker’s Odyssey
by L R Menzies
ISBN 0 85905 290 7, (2004 reprint of 1937 edition with new material), soft cover, 171pp, 235 grams
$28.00 + POST
Leslie Menzies was one of the hopeful band of prospectors who arrived in Western Australia during the 1890s goldrush.
A successful miner in the USA & NZ his knowledge gave him an early advantage at Parkers Range & the Murchison. The Menzies mines were discovered by him in 1894.
In the ups & downs of mining Menzies found that down was almost out, Greener fields in Madagascar, Africa, Japan and later the Kimberley beckoned. He eventually retired to California where he wrote these reminiscences shortly before his death in 1939.